I would like give you what happens in Riau - Indonesia now. I invite you all to pray for our brothers who are there to get the help of God. Fog Smoke is very dangerous disaster has hit them there.
Here's the smog that hit Indonesia in Riau:
1 . Already 1 month in duration Riau blanket of smog , and the peak level of very danger yesterday and today , assuming 1 % Oxygen 99 % Poison .
2 . County Health Department prohibits pregnant women to leave the house because it can abort the womb
3 . Based on the County Health Department records , until Monday ( 3/10/2014 ) recorded 41,500 people suffer from ARI . treatment of this data and the data has not been entered at this time .
4 . Firefighting helicopters can not perform tasks as viewing distance of only 3 feet .
5 . There have been deaths Muhammad Adli ( 63 ) , a farmer from Kampung Baru Village , Western District of Tanjung Pinang , the District Meranti , Riau . He was found dead near his garden filled with very dense smoke near the site of forest fires . ( kompas.com )
6 . Riau Governor was resigned .
7 . The President shall act in the next 1-2 days ( twitter ) .
8 . International airport Sultan Syarif Kasim II closed until an undetermined time .
9 . There are 6 million people Riau besieged by toxic fumes .
10 . Been 1 this week closed schools and lectures .
We hope that the central government immediately set Riau conditions as national disaster
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Current State of Riau - Dangerous Haze Turns It Here. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://weirdwebblog.blogspot.com/2014/03/current-state-of-riau-dangerous-haze.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.